In this episode, Mike and Darin were guests on another podcast, and fear they may have single-handedly destroyed it.
Darin joined the Soup Lover's Club, and those people are stone cold crazy!
Finally, we take a deep dive into the Marvel Universe, apologize to Rick Springfield, and ask "Why are pandas stupid?"
#DEVO #ACDC #WeirdAl #CaptainAmerica #pandas #souplovers
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Welcome to Irritable Dad Syndrome, Cincinnati's comedy podcast
>> Mike: We are live now.
>> Darin: Oh, okay. Okay. Just.
>> Mike: You need to self edit.
>> Darin: How you doing? I was gonna say something about somebody, but I'm not doing that anymore.
>> Mike: We got a pretty good show. Yeah, I mean, not tonight, but in.
>> Darin: General, in general speaking.
>> Mike: there's people out there who spend their whole lives trying to find BigF. How'd you like to have that guy as a dad? Do you even want to find big butt side? Cause you don't act like it.
>> Dave: Welcome to Irritable Dad Syndrome. Feel free to use us as an emergency contact. Please give it up for your hosts, Mike and Darren.
>> Darin: Hi, I'm Darren.
>> Mike: I'm Mike.
>> Darin: Welcome to Irritable Dad Syndrome, Cincinnati's comedy podcast. This is episode 246. Mike and I are in a good mood and we are so excited to be here with you right now.
>> Mike: That is a positive affirmation.
>> Darin: Yes, it is.
>> Mike: Yes, it is the power of positive thinking.
>> Darin: That's right. Mike and I just did an episode of another podcast called Greetings from the Idiot Box. And we may have, I, would say single handedly, but we both had a part in it. We may have completely destroyed this podcast.
>> Mike: So those of you who don't do podcasts, first of all, congratulations.
>> Darin: I think you said it one time. Everyone has one.
>> Mike: Everyone has one.
>> Darin: You may not know it, but you probably have a podcast.
>> Mike: Yeah. You, you sitting in your car right now. you probably have at least three to four episodes of a podcast recorded and out there.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: And. And circulated. There's something about our particular breed of podcasts, which is effectively two guys sitting and shooting, off about topics. It is what 99.9% of the podcasts out there are.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: the most saturated thing to be noticed in this market is exceptionally tough.
>> Darin: Yes.
>> Mike: But what we've learned in the five years that we do this is that there is. Tends to be a cadence.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: There's a silliness that we start out with.
>> Darin: I agree.
>> Mike: And then we go into full blown badassery.
>> Darin: Oh.
>> Mike: We knock out a good 15, 20 minutes of quality comedy in an hour. And then we. And then. Yeah. And then we peter out for the next 45 minutes.
>> Darin: Yeah. Finally just tap out. So, yeah, throw it to Dave. And then we wrap it up, we go home.
>> Mike: So we've just.
>> Darin: You are home.
>> Mike: We've just done that before we even started recording this one.
>> Darin: Yes.
>> Mike: So this is, for lack of a better word, the Afterglow podcast.
>> Darin: Yes.
>> Mike: We got nothing in the tank, but we owe you entertainment.
We were invited to go on a podcast with Alison Lips
>> Darin: So last week we had mentioned that we were invited to go on a podcast called Greetings from the Idiot Box with Alison Lips. Now, Alison is in New Jersey, and I met her through the Letterman podcast hosted by Mike Chisholm. And Mike has been on our show a few times. Mike's a good friend of mine.
>> Mike: He's a good dude.
>> Darin: He's a good guy.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: Okay. Mike invited hair.
>> Mike: He's got nice hair. He has nice hair for a guy with glasses.
>> Darin: He's got a nice beard. Yeah, yeah.
>> Mike: He's, rustic man.
>> Darin: Very. He's a manly man. Flannel y. I've never seen him wear flannel.
>> Mike: He looks like he would wear flannel and drink maple syrup.
>> Darin: Well, he's glass Canada, so he drinks syrup, like, in the backyard out, of a tree.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: But anyway, so Mike is the guy who invited me to New York when I got to meet Rupert G. And all the people who work for the Late show with David Letterman. So Mike's a good guy. So I was on his podcast one night, and this is where I met Alison Lips. She and I were both, guests on this one particular show. And, nice person she has, she's getting a master's degree in, television, history. Okay. I work in television. We have all these things in common. Right. So I'd mentioned last week that she was doing this podcast, Greetings from the Idiot Box. She asked if we would want to be on the show, and I said yes. And she said, what TV show would you like to talk about? I, reached out to my buddy, my podcast partner, Mike Odle, and I said, what TV show do you want to talk about? Mike said, airwolf. I'm like, fantastic. And she said, fantastic. And Airwolf is a horrible show. And we were talking about this horrible show on her podcast, and I think it destroyed her podcast. Yeah, I don't know that she's going to recover. Yeah. We wrapped up, and then I felt bad. I felt like we had a hit and run. And we said, good luck. Hey, what happened? And just left her there on the side of the road with the steam coming out of the engine and oil coming out of the bottom of the car and no air in the tires.
>> Mike: You think she's in tears right now?
>> Darin: I hope not.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: But we'll let you know when the podcast airs and you guys can check it out. Be. Be like. It's like. It's like what it was. Seriously, it's like watching a car accident.
>> Mike: You can actually hear a good idea become not a good Idea, you know, over the course of 40 minutes and then panicked, flailing to save the good idea.
>> Darin: Oh, the look on her face like, what the hell have I gotten myself into?
>> Mike: Until we just called it. It's like in the old movies. The doctor just looks like it's 903. I got flatline. It's. We're calling it done. Yeah. It's like in robocop. Yeah. But then in this case, nobody came back later.
>> Darin: Yeah, we, Mike and I together single handedly destroyed Greetings from the idiot box.
>> Mike: so if you have another podcast that you'd like us to destroy.
>> Darin: Oh, yeah, invite us on. We'll.
>> Mike: Come on, send it over our way.
>> Darin: We love going on other people's podcasts.
>> Mike: We do. We went on the decision reel. They're doing very well. They're doing well.
>> Darin: Yeah. Good for them. They have a really good dudes.
>> Mike: They're good dudes.
>> Darin: Yeah. They have a very structured.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: Movie review podcast.
>> Mike: Yeah, we need some.
>> Darin: I mean, they got a guy on there who had never seen Star Wars. What the hell was that? Movie review podcast. And he's never seen Star Wars.
>> Mike: Can I. That's like.
>> Darin: I, That's like, I'm a doctor and I don't know anything about aspirin.
>> Mike: It's starting to get to me when I talk to people and I make references to stuff when I was a kid and they look at me with a mixture of confusion and okay, grandpa, do you need to sit down somewhere and take a rest? Have a Werther's.
Gen X is the last generation to have this. Yeah, you probably have one
>> Darin: Yeah, you probably have one. Look, you probably have one in your shirt pocket because. Son of a bitch.
>> Mike: And I noticed this while we were doing the podcast. If I start going down memory lane of stuff that was on TV when I was a kid and I'm telling you about it, you get this far away look in your eye and it's like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I got. Yeah, I remember that when the thing. When Kiss My Grits, I get all that. And then I noticed when I would throw those references out to somebody that wasn't around at this time, then you start seeing that look of, oh, they're looking the things up. And then they start throwing facts back at you. And I get it. We're on a podcast.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: We got to bring the facts. And thank God she did it. Saved the show.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: But there's something about. We were the last generation. Gen X is the last generation to have this. Where we'll get into outright fights. Arguments.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: About facts. I was about to go toe to toe with you on whether or not Blue Thunder, the TV series came out before or after Airwolf.
>> Darin: Right.
>> Mike: That would have been a good 10, 15 minutes of content on this show.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: Cuss words would have been thrown around. Somebody would have mentioned moles or something.
>> Darin: Your mama and your mama.
>> Mike: And it would have been quality entertainment.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: But somebody walking by with, one of these computer devices. These.
>> Darin: A telephone.
>> Mike: Telephone.
>> Darin: Okay.
>> Mike: It. It jumped.
>> Darin: Yes.
>> Mike: The, Apple jump. they just could just end the conversation. It's like the Google nest up here right next to our dinner table. We got a new router so it can't connect to our new router. So nobody can use the Google Nest as a weapon against me anymore. So I could tell my family all kinds of facts and they can't check me.
>> Darin: Abraham Lincoln was our first president. Fight me.
>> Mike: Yeah, he was the first president. And this is true. To own a Nerf football.
>> Darin: That's right. I didn't know that it came out that long ago.
>> Mike: Yes.
>> Darin: I bet he. You know what he did? Abe Lincoln looked like a guy who could seriously throw a mean spiral.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: Mary Todd threw it back. Knocked off his hat. Mary Hilarity ensued.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Dave: This portion of our show is brought to you by Airwolf. Watch Stringfellow Hawk and his buddy Dominic Santini solve big time problems by blowing up in their space age turbo helicopter. It's fun for the whole family. Airwolf now streaming on the Roku Channel.
Irritable Dead syndrome joined a soup lovers club on Facebook
It's time now for an Irritable Dead syndrome previous story update.
>> Darin: Last week I meant to talk about this, and, surprise, Mike and I got off track. I joined the soup lovers club that you were talking about two weeks ago. And good God almighty, what a bunch of psychos.
>> Mike: Special breed, aren't they?
>> Darin: In a soup lovers club.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: The very first thing that I noticed, like, within, within seconds, I think the first post that I read was, hey, people who aren't constantly posting on this will be asked to leave. Not in those words.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: Like, if you're scrolling and not posting, we don't want your kind here.
>> Mike: Hey, buster.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: You're here to talk about soup?
>> Darin: Soup, damn it.
>> Mike: Yeah, yeah. For every three comments you read, we expect a comment from you.
>> Darin: Yeah, yeah. So I. I got in and I tried to stir things up. Soup.
>> Mike: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
>> Darin: And I posted a picture of Campbell's chicken and rice soup. And I said, is this site only for homemade soups or does anything go. And I got a couple of comments. one was, I like chicken and rice. Soup. And the other comment was, that's funny. And then I could. I could hear. I could just feel like Luke Skywalker with the Force. There was a disturbance.
>> Mike: It.
>> Darin: Disturbance in the Force. On this. On this soup lovers Facebook group.
>> Mike: It's not like you put ramen on there.
>> Darin: No, no. But then I'm scrolling down. And then there was a. A casserole recipe. to which I replied, is this soup?
>> Mike: That's right.
>> Darin: Right. And that's the first time I've ever asked that question. Is this soup? I scrolled down a little more, and then there was a cheesy potato and rice. One pan meal. I'm like.
>> Mike: It's like, nothing sacred.
>> Darin: That's. That's not soup. Okay. I know soup. Okay. And I know what's not soup, and that's not soup. And so I asked that question, why is this on the Soup Lovers Club? And then I scroll down a little more. To which I saw the first, post the recipe. And they have, like, 12 recipes that they just repeat over and over and over again. And I'm like, this thing is nuts. And I got off the group thing, and then I got a notification and, hey, ding. The Soup Lovers club has posted a new recipe. And I go. And my feedback.
>> Mike: Uh-huh.
>> Darin: Within five minutes is full of soup.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: I'm like, this is.
>> Mike: Crazy.
>> Darin: But, yeah, even you mentioned it. The people complaining about those who are on it that aren't posting anything. And I finally had. I tapped out. I said, I can't do this anymore. So I. I've got a life, and, I don't want to live it this way.
>> Mike: There's another club, another group that I'm in.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
>> Darin: Okay, that sounds like a cool club.
>> Mike: But they have fun. If somebody does this in just about every group, someone will get pissed off because this is where the. The Soup Lovers Group came to fame. Is. Somebody lost their mind on there. And I posted about it on my page. Now all these jack wads that I'm friends with are joining the Soup Lovers Club to see the drama.
>> Darin: Yeah. Aaron Durbin's. Like, she couldn't join it fast enough.
>> Mike: There's so much drama on the Soup Lovers Club. Because you'll see. Soup. Soup. Soup. Soup. Soup.
You'll see someone holding soup with a caption saying, my husband left
Soup. Stew.
>> Darin: Well, now I.
>> Mike: Soup. Stew.
>> Darin: I'll let stew fly.
>> Mike: Non Soup recipe. And then you'll see a post of someone holding soup with a caption that says, my husband left me this morning. Here's a tomato bisque happened.
>> Darin: What?
>> Mike: Yeah. There was this. I don't know if it was AI. I don't know what it was.
>> Darin: And left her. And all he left her was the tomato.
>> Mike: No, no.
>> Darin: Oh, no.
>> Mike: My husband left me this morning.
>> Darin: But before I go.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: I'm gonna make you this lovely tomato bisque. Not.
>> Mike: But there's a tomato bisque. Or, all I have is now is a tomato bisque.
>> Darin: It's.
>> Mike: My husband left me this morning. And here's a tomato bisque.
>> Darin: So you're saying they're not related? They're not. They don't correlate.
>> Mike: Well, I hadn't heard your experience with the soup lovers club. See, before that I would have thought she's trying to feed in.
>> Darin: She's trying to get sympathy. Poor Sarah. Her husband left her. What I'm going to do is I'm going to make some soup.
>> Mike: No, no, no, no.
>> Darin: I'm trying. I'm sorry, I'm not following you.
>> Mike: I thought she was out of her mind crazy. Now I'm wondering if she's terrified of being ejected from the soup lovers club, but wants people to know this aspect of her life. So she says this thing that she really wants people to know. And here's a tomato bit.
>> Darin: I think it's like, look, y'all, if you don't see me on here, I'm going through, like, the worst moment in my life right now. So I'm trying. I think she's trying to show that she cares about soup as much as she cares about her marriage.
>> Mike: It's. It's like if I went on there and said Airwolf is the best damn show in the 80s. And here's chicken, noodle.
>> Darin: Yeah, a hearty chicken noodle. Did you notice that the difference between a hearty soup, then just here's some soup.
>> Mike: Yeah, it's hearty. Oh, yeah. M. Yeah, the hearty soups came around in the late 80s.
>> Darin: I'm getting in line for the hearty soup. And I'm not going to stand here for this generic vanilla soup nonsense.
>> Mike: Oh, vanilla soup.
>> Darin: I meant that metaphorically.
>> Mike: Okay.
>> Darin: Vanilla meaning middle of the road, bland.
>> Mike: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
>> Darin: Now, yesterday I made a vegetable soup.
>> Mike: Did you?
>> Darin: I did.
>> Mike: On purpose.
>> Darin: Well, I've never accidentally made vegetable soup soup. And you know what? When I was at the store, I usually buy ground turkey, and I put that in my soup. Okay. I forgot to buy some ground turkey. So you know what I put in it?
>> Mike: Ground chicken.
>> Darin: Some. No, some sausage.
>> Mike: Okay.
>> Darin: I put ground, breakfast sausage in there.
>> Mike: Okay, Shut up.
>> Darin: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
>> Mike: You made breakfast soup?
>> Darin: Yeah, M. Breakfast soup.
>> Mike: How old are we?
>> Darin: But I'm just like.
>> Mike: We're talking about breakfast soup.
>> Darin: It's. It's country sausage that you put in place of like hamburger or chicken.
>> Mike: yeah. The problem is not that people don't know what sausage you're talking about. The problem is that we have spent the past 10 minutes talking about soup.
>> Darin: We got nothing else to talk about.
>> Mike: That's true.
>> Dave: This has been an irritable Dead syndrome.
Harrison Ford stars as the Red Hulk in Brave new World
Previous story Update.
>> Mike: We did go to the movies for the first time in months. We saw Captain America. Brave new world. Brave new world with Harry Ford as the Red Hulk. Which they should not advertise at all because the whole two hour movie you're thinking he's going to turn into the red.
>> Darin: Is he going to Hulk out?
>> Mike: And then there's a couple parts where he gets mad.
>> Darin: He hulking out.
>> Mike: Everyone knows Harrison Ford gets mad.
>> Darin: He's going to Hulk out.
>> Mike: Oh, he starts shaking his finger. You could use a good kiss. And his face starts to get red.
>> Darin: You find that man?
>> Mike: Yeah. Get off of my plane.
>> Darin: Yeah, exactly.
>> Mike: And it gets red. And then his eyes get red and you're like, oh, that belongs in a museum. Yeah, yeah, it's over enough. And, then he doesn't. And then he finally does. And I don't know. I don't know that. So the kids, they both really liked it best. Thought it was okay. Yeah, I, I, I said to the kids, all right, but as I've thought about it, I don't know that I cared for it that much.
I loved Falcon and the Winter Soldier. That's my favorite of the series
>> Darin: Okay.
>> Mike: I really, really like the actor that does Captain America. I don't know his name.
>> Darin: Chris Evans.
>> Mike: No, the.
>> Darin: Oh, Sam.
>> Mike: Sam Wilson.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: But that's not the actor's name.
>> Darin: No, it's, Yeah, he's got another name.
>> Mike: And then his buddy, the Winter Soldier.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: I got really excited when Sebastian Stan showed up because I realized that that was part of the movie, that that was what was missing. I loved Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Yes, it was awesome series.
>> Darin: That's my favorite of the series.
>> Mike: And it was just Sam was missing something the whole movie. They tried to, to get it with, the new. The guy from the Office. Falcon. what did he play in the Office?
>> Darin: He wasn't on the Office.
>> Mike: That wasn't the guy from the Office? No, no, the, the accountant.
>> Darin: No.
>> Mike: Okay.
>> Darin: No, no. I don't know. What are you talking about? The English version, he looked like it.
>> Mike: No, no, like Oscar.
>> Darin: He looked like Oscar. You thought Falcon was Oscar in the office?
>> Mike: Yeah, no, I really, I didn't really think he did look for, for a first showed up. I was like, really? Like an Oscar from the office.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: But no, I, I really, I liked them. They had good chemistry. But it wasn't the same as the Winter Soldier.
>> Darin: No, it wasn't. No, it wasn't.
>> Mike: and I just missed that the whole time.
>> Darin: And here's my thing is, spoiler alert. If you haven't seen it, I'm gonna spoil it for you. That's what a spoiler alert is.
>> Mike: It's a two week old movie.
>> Darin: So yeah, if you haven't seen it by now, it'll be on Disney. plus probably in an hour.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: And five, four. Anyway, so Red Hulk comes out and just beating the crap out of everything, Right?
>> Mike: Get off of my plane.
>> Darin: Exactly. That belongs in a museum.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: And then Captain America, I hate snakes. Is fighting.
>> Mike: You broke the law.
>> Darin: Get out. Fighting him by himself. And I'm like, they need to get like a, one of them wristbands that you push and then it sends life alert. Life alert.
>> Mike: Yeah, yeah.
>> Darin: There are other superheroes.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: And we just saw Bucky five minutes ago. Right? Yeah. It's like, get off the train, run back. And it's like, America needs some help. Yeah.
>> Mike: And he's doing what? He's, he's campaigning. He's going to talk to a bunch of jack wads in Iowa about their chicken prices or whatever he's doing.
>> Darin: He was in, he was in Washington.
>> Mike: D.C. well, I was right next door. The point is, is that he is the Winter Soldier with a, with, I don't know if you know this. He's got a metal arm.
>> Darin: He has a vibranium arm. so they've added, that was made in Wakanda.
>> Mike: They've added adamantium to the Marvel Universe, which now means that Wolverine can come in at any time because he, he, his skeleton is adamant. Ah, yeah. Right. So they're, they're bringing the X, the X people in and for God's sakes, they got to do something to jumpstart the, the series back again. I don't know what's going on.
>> Darin: What's that, claw made out of Copper?
>> Mike: Copper? Oh, the old aluminum Wolverine. He can't even open that can of Sprite for you.
I liked Captain America. Yeah, I did. I liked him. And I liked Hopper in it. Yeah. Did you like the villain
>> Darin: I liked Captain America. I thought it was good.
>> Mike: I thought it was okay. I just, I, I, well, it was good for me. I mean, so much.
>> Darin: It was, it, like I said last week, was it Civil War.
>> Mike: No, I didn't like the. Did you like the villain? The green guy with the weird.
>> Darin: Yeah. With the brain?
>> Mike: Yeah. Itchies.
>> Darin: Yeah. Yeah, I did.
>> Mike: Okay.
>> Darin: Again, not my favorite, but okay. So I didn't care for Thor, Love and Thunder. That annoyed me.
>> Mike: That one.
>> Darin: Okay. Yeah. I didn't care for Doctor, Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
>> Mike: I liked that one.
>> Darin: Yeah. I. There's another one that I. I don't.
>> Mike: Think I've seen the whole thing, though.
>> Darin: The Eternals.
>> Mike: I didn't. Whatever.
>> Darin: Right.
>> Mike: But I like the Shang Chi and the. And the ring.
>> Darin: Shangchi. And the 12.
>> Mike: 12 drunken.
>> Darin: Yeah. Soldiers.
>> Mike: The soldiers and the.
>> Darin: And the nose ring.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: It was good.
>> Darin: Yes.
>> Mike: But.
>> Darin: Except for the dog with the tube.
>> Mike: But when we went to go see. As a family. When we went to go see Dr. Strange, we were blown away. When we went to go see the Infinity War and the. And all that. Holy Thor. Ragnarok. The first and second Guardians of the Galaxy, my Lord. It just wasn't to those levels the same way about, What's the kicky lady?
>> Darin: Oh, Black.
>> Mike: Black Widow. Yeah, the Black Widow movie. I was. We were really excited to see that. I thought that one was just okay.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: And I liked Hopper in it.
>> Darin: Yes.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: I liked him.
>> Mike: The. The ad for the new movie with them,
>> Darin: Thunderbolts.
>> Mike: Thunderbolts. I think that looks good.
>> Darin: I think that does, too.
>> Mike: I just. It makes me sad. In the original Marvels, Captain America ended up being my favorite. And it was cemented in when he was ready to take on Thanos by himself.
>> Darin: Yep.
>> Mike: And the hell with it.
>> Darin: I know.
>> Mike: And then I felt like Sam Wilson took that mantle up and carried it well into with him in the Winter Soldier, and I was excited. And then he just. He's just by himself and he's going to a party, and it's a big. Whole thing about the suit he's gonna wear. Yeah.
>> Darin: the thing is, when you have Infinity War.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: And in between Infinity War was Ant man and the Wasp.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: And Captain Marvel.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: Okay.
Before. After Infinity War was Thanos
>> Mike: Yeah. Yeah.
>> Darin: I liked Captain Marvel.
>> Mike: I liked it.
>> Darin: I didn't love Captain Marvel, but I liked Captain Marvel. And it was necessary to bring her in before the. After Infinity War was Thanos.
Libby, Jacob Cameron, and myself were excited about Avengers Endgame
Endgame. End game.
>> Mike: Endgame.
>> Darin: In game, my Lord, that's cinematic history.
>> Mike: Is what endgame.
>> Darin: The only time in our family's history has all four of us been so jacked up excited about something was Avengers Endgame. Okay. Libby, Jacob Cameron, and myself.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: most of, if not Every morning we would be sitting at our table eating breakfast or dinner or whatever. And the closer we got to that movie. Well, how is Thanos gonna do that? He has the Soul Stone. How's he gonna do this? He has the Mind Stone. Well, they can't sneak up on him because he could see everything. And they can't do this because he has the Power Stone. And it's like. And we were running through every single scenario and we were out of our minds excited about Avengers Endgame. We could not wait. And this was more excited than I was when I was a kid for the Empire Strikes Back. And that's saying something. M. Because as a kid and the Empire Strikes. The first time you see the comm for Empire Strikes Back and you got the AT ATS in the snow and you got the asteroid. Feels like, you know. Right. Okay. More, more excited than the any of the Lord of the Rings movies. And I was so excited about those.
>> Mike: Right.
>> Darin: And then it delivered.
>> Darin: Avengers Endgame delivered.
>> Mike: Cuz you're like, how are they going to. How are they going to top everything? And then Ant man shows up. You're going the quantum and you're going back in time and it's like, you are in for. You're like, holy. We're going back through the series. All the high points. And now we're going to see it from an alternate take. It went all better.
>> Darin: Spoiler alert.
>> Mike: Spoiler alert.
>> Darin: No. We had no idea that Thanos first two minutes of the movie is going to destroy. Use that. I use the stones to destroy. Destroy the stones. Damn near killed me. By the way. You get to see Thanos wearing his farting around the house clothes.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: His old, his old purple T shirt.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: I'm gonna go get one big ass, one of these cucumbers.
>> Mike: Do you remember fat Thor?
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: That's all we were talking about for weeks around here was fat Thor. I've got a fat Thor bobblehead.
>> Darin: Captain America picked up Mir the hammer. Yeah.
>> Mike: Oh, I mean tightened up his shield. Just like.
>> Darin: Yes. all the movies. Of all those movies, that was my favorite scene. Captain America stands up Titans. The shield. He wasn't gonna give up. Ah. he was not. He was gonna like let's go.
>> Mike: Let's go.
>> Darin: I could do this all day.
>> Mike: Yeah. And he would do this. He would have forgotten day.
>> Darin: All 8,000 of them.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: Until they killed him.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: And you can't top that.
>> Mike: And then the one line that's bringing everybody to cheers and all the. Because they still have the. On your left. The. On your left. On your left by Sam Wilson.
>> Darin: And the portals open, and you're. You're.
>> Mike: You're the first one to walk through is Black, Panther.
>> Darin: Black Panther.
>> Mike: Yep.
>> Darin: And then Dr. Strange.
That's another reason I had an issue with the new Captain America
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: Yeah. Then, Star Lord. I've seen it a few times.
>> Mike: Yeah. You know, and Spider Man. Yeah.
>> Darin: Yeah. Is that everybody? You wanted more? Yeah. You know who I wanted? Yeah. Like, okay, so we're on. In game. The only things that they missed was, what's that dude from Guardians of the Galaxy who owns the magic dart? you, whistle. And then it's.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: He could have done a, world of damage with that magic.
>> Mike: Oh, yeah.
>> Darin: Okay.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: They should have got him. I don't know why they didn't get there. Everybody else was in it.
>> Mike: Everybody.
>> Darin: Everybody was in it. They didn't get that. And. And we didn't get a scene of Hulk losing his mind. I thought we were going to have Hulk just absolutely losing his mind, running and beating the crap out of everything. Right. And left.
>> Mike: See, you brought up the Hulk. That's another reason that I had an issue with the new Captain America. Because it calls back from the Hulk movie.
>> Darin: Yes.
>> Mike: Which is like the second. Yeah. From back then.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: And I'm like, I'm sitting here thinking, well, I know this, but I, know the kids haven't seen it. I know best never. Because I remember sitting down here watching it by myself. Nobody wanted to watch it with me.
>> Darin: Right.
>> Mike: And I was like, I thought it was kind of hammy. Then in that movie. I remember as I was watching that movie thinking, this is why it took until Thor and Captain America came in for this thing to really.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: Get. Get moving.
>> Darin: Well, that's, you know, that's on Marvel. Because they really rely on the audience to, like, they're hoping.
>> Mike: Watch everything.
>> Darin: Watch everything.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: And, you know, here I am watching Captain America, Brave New World. I did see Falcon and the Winter Soldier on Netflix or on.
>> Mike: So it means something when you see.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: Winter Soldier Pop.
>> Darin: Right, Right. So I knew what was going on. But, I mean, there's people who don't have Disney plus, so they're probably wondering, like, wait a minute. When did. When did Falcon become Captain America? That's a huge.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: Plot point.
>> Mike: They never said anything about.
>> Darin: Explain any of that. They just. They just hate if you guys didn't watch this on Disney plus, you're SOL pal.
>> Mike: It's a very good point. Because if you're just watching the movies.
>> Darin: It'S like, did it. Did I miss something. What, honey? Did I fall asleep?
>> Mike: People are adjusting the contrast on their teeth. What happened here?
>> Darin: Hey, what happened? You know what? It's like a lot of the series on Disney I have not watched. I've given them a shot and then I'm like, yeah. Ah, okay.
>> Mike: I think I just. That actor, and that character deserve, I think, a better movie than what that was. That's where I'm at with it.
I hope that he continues as Captain America. Anthony Mackie is good in Thor
I hope that he continues as Captain America. There's more stuff with him in it. I've heard that the reviews are not that good.
>> Darin: Anthony Mackie.
>> Mike: Anthony. That's. That's right. Anthony Mackie.
>> Darin: Yeah. The reviews aren't good for it.
>> Mike: Yeah. Yeah, but he's good.
>> Darin: He's really good.
>> Mike: Yeah, that's.
>> Darin: And he mentioned that he didn't take the serum. I'm like, they offered you the serum?
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: And you didn't take the serum?
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: What's wrong with you? Yeah, take this.
>> Mike: I like. Yeah, yeah. I like when that's one of my favorite line from the movie was like. He's like, yeah, you'll need serious.
>> Darin: You fully.
>> Mike: So maybe on the second watch, I kind of feel the same way about it that I felt after watching the first Thor. I did not like the first Thor when I first saw it. And then on, later watchings, I liked it more.
>> Darin: See, I liked the first Thor. And. And I'm one of the few people that liked Dark World.
>> Mike: I haven't seen Dark World yet.
>> Darin: Almost every. Seriously, almost every time they do, a, ranking. Every Marvel movie ranked. And these people can suck it because they keep putting Guardians of the Galaxy 3 way up there. And Guardians of the Galaxy 3 didn't do it for me. It just didn't do it for me. But usually Thor, the Dark World is like way, way, way down. Unless I liked it. I thought it was good. Yeah.
Darren and I are going to see Devo twice this year
>> Dave: Time now for the Walmart story of the week.
>> Darin: speaking of movies, and this story goes nowhere, but I'm going to tell it really quick. I was going through the Walmart. You've been to Walmart?
>> Mike: The Breaking Bad.
>> Darin: Walmart. I was in the Breaking Bad Walmart. And I walked past the DVD section and something, caught my eye. The selection of movies they had in the DVD section. They had, Motel Hell, Drag Me to Hell, the Strangers, Pumpkinhead, and then the Chosen.
>> Mike: It's not Halloween.
>> Darin: The Chosen is all about, Jesus, our Lord and savior, right next to Pumpkinhead.
>> Mike: If you're ever in a store, guys.
>> Darin: Yeah, let's recategorize.
>> Mike: These things.
>> Darin: Let's put the Jesus movies in one place and the hell movies in another place. Yeah.
>> Mike: If you're ever lost in a store and you don't know what store you're in and you see a DVD section.
>> Darin: That's right.
>> Dave: This has been the Walmart story of the week.
>> Mike: Oh, we're gonna see Devo twice.
>> Darin: Yes, twice. Yeah.
>> Mike: So to recap the Devo epic, not only are Darren and I going to see them, my brother in law, we're.
>> Darin: Going to see them here in Cincinnati.
>> Mike: My brother in law got us tickets to see them in general admission. Ga. As the kids say, in Columbus.
>> Darin: In Columbus, Ohio. That's the state capital. Yeah.
>> Mike: Yeah. So we're effectively going to tour with Devo in Ohio with Mark.
>> Darin: Mother's Bar. However you pronounce his name. M. M. Mark Mother. I used to think it was Mother's Burrow, but it's some. It's pronounced differently. I can't wait. I'm so excited. So yeah, use. You sent me a text, by the way. We got you a ticket for general admission in Columbus. I was like, okay, so I'm going to go see Devo again.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: I've with my whole life wanting to see Devo. I had told somebody, I said, I think I've pretty much seen everybody I would want to see live. Now I get to see Devo twice.
>> Mike: So this year. So we're going to see. You and I are going to see Devo twice. I'm going to see Oasis and AC dc.
>> Darin: Oh, where are you going to go see? That's a bucket list. You already got your tickets?
>> Mike: Yeah, Fancher Bottom.
>> Darin: Oh, okay.
>> Mike: It was one of those. I. Every once in a while I, I like to let somebody else to get the tickets. I can't.
>> Darin: I'm with you. Yeah, yeah.
>> Mike: Like just whatever.
>> Darin: I've seen ACDC twice. You're gonna love them.
>> Mike: You seem to. Wait, so when what tours?
>> Darin: I saw him on the.
>> Mike: Probably the Big Balls tour Heat Seeker. Okay.
>> Darin: And the Razor's Edge tour. Money talks. And we were in the back and so with the dollar bills fell. We didn't get any Angus dollars.
>> Mike: Dude. The Razor's Edge tour is the tour to see him on. I mean for the. Yeah.
>> Darin: Oh, and oh my God. So the first time I saw acdc, they opened with Thunderstruck.
>> Mike: No, not the first time, but when.
>> Darin: The Razor's Edge tour they did open with Thunderstruck. Yeah, right.
>> Mike: I mean.
>> Darin: And they closed with. For those about to rock, where they.
>> Mike: Shoot you With a can.
>> Darin: Yeah. well, no. The curtains open.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: And the cannons come out. And he says.
>> Mike: So I should bring earplugs. Yeah.
The loudest concerts I've ever been to are in hotels
>> Darin: Yes.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: Yes, you should.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: My ears were ringing for three days after seeing AC dc. I think I seriously caused permanent damage to my hearing because I. My God. We used to go to Freedom Hall Civic center in Johnson City, Tennessee. That's like the only thing there was to do. And it's like, we saw Poison, we saw Van Halen, we saw AC dc, We went to see Winger with Tesla and the Bullet Boys. And we saw Cinderella. Loved Cinderella. And, I was like, I think I'm gonna have to start wearing earplugs because I would be deaf for at least the next day.
>> Mike: The loudest concerts I've ever been to. The three that come to mind are, I saw Ace Fraley M in a hotel. So, like, if you go to a hotel, like, literally, if you ever been to like a hotel for like a conference or something. I've been to a hotel.
>> Darin: Yes.
>> Mike: But like, in their little ballroom things with the sliding doors. You know what I mean?
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: He was in one of those rooms with the little stage. Oh, that's the. That's the show where he stepped on my pinky finger. Because I was on. I had my hands on the stage and he, with his big ass. Ace boot, stepped on my finger.
>> Darin: He was wearing the boots.
>> Mike: He was wearing the boots.
>> Darin: The big silver space.
>> Mike: Well, no, just whatever boots. I think they were black.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: And my ears were ringing for days after. And they were in pain for a couple of days after because I was right in front of his stack.
>> Darin: Ye.
>> Mike: You two in Cleveland? The Vertigo tour best. Didn't think it was that loud. I couldn't. It was hard for me to tell what they were playing, it was so loud. And then Slayer.
>> Darin: Okay.
>> Mike: And I actually had concert earplugs in for Slayer. And I went out to get a beer outside the arena. Like, outside where the Slayer is.
>> Mike: And I took my earplugs out to get a beer and my ears were ringing out there. Slayer was loud, and this is true.
>> Darin: As the loudest concert I've ever seen, and I'm not kidding, was Weird Al.
>> Mike: Are we not men? We are devil. Are we not men? Deviate.
>> Darin: My buddy Don and his wife Janine, we went with Libby. And the four of us sitting there with our fingers in our ears, dying because it was so. It was a weird owl.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: So loud.
>> Dave: You're listening to Irritable Dad Syndrome. Cincinnati's comedy podcast.
>> Darin: You two are just dumbing a bag of hammers. I don't know how this happened because I did not actively search for this when I was on TikTok, but somehow video of panda bears came up. I watched one video, and now my feed is full of videos of pandas. And I don't mean any offense, but pandas are stupid.
>> Mike: There's a reason there's not many of them left.
>> Darin: Honest. Well, one of the things is, why aren't they expanding, extinct? Because, I mean, and it's hysterical, Mike. There's pandas falling out of trees, pandas trying to climb up ladders, falling over backwards, tripping, sliding down hills. It's unbelievably entertaining. And here I am at the house, and I'm just laughing my ass off, and Libby says, what are you doing? And I said, come here. So I'm showing her these videos of pandas, and now she's hooked. Hey, send me that panda video. And, oh, my God, it's just unbelievably entertaining. If you're bored, if you need something in your life to distract you from the day, to day woes of work, your family is, under a lot of stress or something, look up some panda videos and you'll thank me.
Rick Springfield's Greatest Hits Volume 2 is a very good album
>> Dave: This portion of our show is brought to you by Books. Buy a book at a reputable bookstore or check one out for free at your local public library. Read one today. They're really cool.
>> Darin: That's right.
>> Dave: Now, back to the show.
>> Darin: Before we go, I think we're having a moment. We're having a greetings from the idiot box moment. Before we go, I want to apologize to Rick Springfield because last week I felt like I did him a disservice. And I just wanted to say that his Greatest Hits Volume 2 is a very good album, and I don't think I represented it well. He was huge in the 80s. Okay? Just. He was just. He had so many hits in the 1980s, and then he disappeared for a little while. And in is either 1999 or 2000, he released an album called Karma. Okay? And on the Karma album is a song called It's Always Something. Look this up. I challenge you. It's Always Something is just as good, maybe better than a lot of the hits that he had on the radio back. Back in the 80s. So he released Karma, and then he's released five or six albums since then between 2000 and 2024, when they produced the Greatest Hits Volume 2. And that album is a collection of those songs from 2000 to 2024. And it's really, really good. And the only thing I was bitching about, not really bitching, just saying. He calls it hits. And there were hits on it because, I mean, it's like he doesn't. He's. They don't play him on the radio anymore. And that's mainly because radio stations are stupid. And I'm gonna compare him to Colin Hay, who's is the lead singer of Men at Work. Do you remember Men at Work? The, Land on under.
>> Mike: Colin Hay has released,
>> Darin: Exactly. Colin Hay has released 10, 11 albums, I think, since his minute work days. And they're all really, really good albums. Great collections of work, and he's an amazing songwriter. But he does a concert and there's people out there play who can it be now. They just want to hear.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: The three songs that Men at work had.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: And I'm like, you guys aren't. Aren't paying attention because Colin Hay is in a phenomenal, just incredible singer, songwriter and guitarist. And I'm gonna say the same thing about John Waite. John Wade had the song missing you, which went number one. And then he was in bad English and the song when I see you smile went number one. And then John Waite just kind of. His popularity fizzled. He's released album after album after album. Lot of great stuff on there. They got no hits on it. So. Rick, I'm sorry. I don't want you to think that I'm disparaging you. I like your music a lot and I'm glad you released the album. And I want everybody to go buy it.
>> Mike: All right.
>> Darin: There you go.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: Yeah.
>> Mike: Well, thank you for that.
>> Darin: You're welcome.
>> Mike: Yeah.
Darren Cox: Irritable dad syndrome welcomes back Mike Odel
>> Darin: Mike, is there anything you'd like to add?
>> Mike: Nothing.
>> Darin: No.
>> Mike: No. Go to Irritable dad syndrome dot com. Sign up for our mailing list. For the love of God, please. we do have people. We're getting a few people here and there. You get early updates about episodes coming out. All kinds of cool.
>> Darin: Oh, yeah. You can download the episodes early.
>> Mike: You can m. Yeah, it's fun.
>> Darin: Yeah. And if you go to Irritable dad syndrome dot com, if you become a patron, you can get Christmas cards, lots of bonus content. For the past two or three weeks, I've been slinging out bonus videos or bonus, audio clips. Yeah. And that's all on our website. We're glad you guys were here. We thank you for listening. We hope to see you next week on Irritable Dad Syndrome.
>> Dave: Irritable dad syndrome is a Mike Odel Darren Cox production.
>> Mike: Didn't know. This is gonna be the Marvel episode.
>> Darin: Hi, I'm Darren.
>> Mike: I'm Mike.
>> Darin: Welcome to Irritable.
>> Mike: We were starting just then.
>> Darin: Okay. Hi, I'm Darren.
>> Mike: I am Mike.
>> Darin: This is Cincinnati.
>> Mike: Yeah.
>> Darin: Welcome back.
>> Mike: I thought she was out of her mind. Crazy.
>> Darin: She probably. Well, she's.
>> Mike: She maybe. But now I'm wondering.
>> Darin: Darren, you can edit that out?
>> Mike: you can edit that out.
>> Darin: Boy, we're having some fun now, aren't we? Yeah, we are having some fun now. My, oh, my. My, oh, my.
>> Mike: I'm not gonna add a thing.
>> Darin: You remember when Joe pissed Escobo did that? He was doing his David Letterman bit and they were singing that song. Phone the neighbors, wake the kids. My, oh my, my, oh, my. Yes, Stump, we. Mike, and I just did an episode of Greetings from the Idiot Box.
>> Mike: Why does Stump's name pink? Sometimes it's pink, sometimes, I don't know, green.
>> Darin: Stump, why is your name pink?
>> Mike: Are you controlling that or is it just whatever color you appear in? They don't bother answering because I don't care.
>> Darin: Sounds like a band that you would like, though.
>> Mike: Excuse me, I don't think anybody really likes Tito.
>> Darin: Check, check, check, check, check. Kiki. Black Panther or.
>> Mike: No, no, I. I want to say Bayonetto. It's not Bayonetta. She's the spy. Scarlett Johansson.
Here are some great episodes to start with!